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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What types of services does the hospital provide for elderly patients? 

We offer a comprehensive range of services tailored for elderly patients, including geriatric care, chronic disease management, rehabilitation services, and specialized support for conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

2. How can I make an appointment for an elderly relative? 

Appointments can be scheduled by calling our central appointment hotline at (858) 422-6935 or by visiting our online booking portal at We also provide assistance for caregivers and family members who need help managing appointments.

3. What should I bring to a Clinic visit? 

Please bring the patient’s government-issued ID, health insurance information, a list of medications currently being taken, and any relevant medical records or notes from previous doctors’ visits.

4. Are there any support groups available for families of elderly patients? 

Yes, we offer support groups for families dealing with various aspects of elderly care. These sessions provide a space for sharing experiences and receiving emotional and practical support. For schedules and more information, please contact our social services department.

5. How does the clinic ensure the safety and comfort of elderly patients? 

Our clinic is equipped with facilities designed to ensure the safety and comfort of elderly patients, including wheelchair-accessible entrances, non-slip floors, and emergency response systems in all patient rooms. Our staff is also specially trained to address the unique needs of elderly patients.

6. Can I stay overnight with an elderly patient? 

Family members are allowed to stay overnight with elderly patients in certain circumstances. Please check with the patient’s care team for specific guidelines and accommodations.

7. What are the visiting hours for the elderly care unit? 

Visiting hours for our elderly care unit are from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM daily. We encourage visitors to respect these hours to ensure patients have adequate rest.

8. Does the hospital provide transportation for elderly patients? 

We offer transportation services for elderly patients for medical appointments and discharge. Please contact our transportation services department for details and to arrange transportation.

9. What measures are in place to handle medical emergencies for elderly patients? 

Our clinic has a 24/7 emergency department and trained geriatric specialists on call to handle urgent medical situations. We are fully equipped to provide immediate and comprehensive care to stabilize elderly patients.

10. How can I access medical records for an elderly patient? 

Medical records can be accessed by authorized family members through our secure online patient portal. Alternatively, you can request copies by contacting our medical records department.